Privacy Policy


Event organisers use Eventree to manage the people working and performing at their events. Specifically they will use Eventree to perform the following tasks:

  • Receive and process forms from prospective staff / performers and contractors
  • Issue tickets / passes to people working or performing at the event
  • Manage relevant documentation and send important information to staff
  • Manage staff meal allowances
  • Track the event budget including raising purchase orders
  • Allow staff to book resources and equipment which will be used at the event

Your data may be entered into Eventree by an individual responsible for organising some or all of the event because they want you to work or perform at the event. You may also enter data yourself if you are applying to work at an event.

Eventree’s Role

Within the context of GDPR, Eventree is a Data Processor. The organisation using Eventree is the Data Controller and therefore takes responsibility for determining what data items are collected.

As far as possible this policy explains what data is collected, why it’s collected, how it is used and who has access to it. However, please bear in mind that events using Eventree will have their own policy about how data is to be used.

About our organisation

Organisation Name: TheTicketSellers
Address: 32 Frederick Street, Birmingham, B1 3HH, UK

What data does Eventree collect?

The following items of personal data will be collected when your details are added to Eventree:

  • Your name
  • Your email address
  • Your phone number (not all events will ask for this)
  • Your postcode (not all events will ask for this)
  • Your address (not all events will ask for this)

In addition to this event organisers may ask you for additional data when you apply to work at their event.

Why is this data collected?

This is why we need each of these items of personal data:

  • Your name - this will appear on your ticket so that your identity can be checked at the event.
  • Your email address - Eventree will email your tickets to this address.
  • Your phone number - if the event organiser needs this in order to contact you in relation to your role at their event they will add this to Eventree. They can use Eventree to send you text messages relating to your work at the event (for example they may text you to let you know when you are due to work).
  • Your postcode - some event organisers perform a carbon audit. This lets them know how much carbon is emitted into the atmosphere when people travel to their event. To do this they need to know where you are travelling from.
  • Your address - There are various reasons why event organisers may need to store your address. For example, they may be sending you a purchase order which will have your address printed on it. They may also be required by law to store the name and address of everyone working at their event.

The other data requested during the application process will be required by the event organiser in order to assess your suitability to carry out the role at the event, or to assess whether you are a good creative match for the event. If you want to know why a specific data item is being requested, please contact the event organiser directly.

How is this data used?

Within Eventree these items of personal data will only be used in relation to your role at the event. For example, your name will appear on your ticket, your ticket will be emailed to your email address etc.

All data requested on forms will be used for the purpose of assessing your application or for providing essential information to allow the event organiser to fulfil their contract with you.

The event organiser must explain to you how your data will be used by them outside Eventree.

Who has access to this data?

The event organiser has access to all of this data. The event organiser is responsible for adding it in the first place and for ensuring it is kept up to date.

The event organiser’s own policies will explain whether any other organisations have access to it.

How long is the data kept for?

Since Eventree is simply a Data Processing platform it does not impose a restriction on the length of time that data is stored.

Where is the data stored?

Your data is stored in our database which is located in Europe. The live database is encrypted, and all data is encrypted during transmission to and from your browser.

Your password is hashed within the database in order to protect your account.

Your data also exists in database backups which are also encrypted. Database backups are kept for a maximum of 2 months then deleted.

Can I access my data?

The answer is that it depends.

As an individual whose data has been added to Eventree you cannot access it directly yourself. However, you can ask the event organiser for a copy of your personal data contained within Eventree.

Some individuals will also be given a login to Eventree. Most of the time this will be because you need to issue tickets to additional ticket holders. In this case you will be able to see your profile when you log into Eventree.

Can I update my data?

If you have an Eventree login you can log in and edit your profile yourself. If your data has been entered by someone else you will need to contact them or the event organiser directly. They can update your data.

Can I erase my data?

You must contact the event organiser if you wish to delete your data.